Monday, May 21, 2007

Impromptu Nature study

It has been much fun to watch the birds come to our yard since I put up our new bird feeders and bird bath. Prior to this we rarely observed anything other than crows, robins and starlings in our yard, with the occasional visit from some passing juncos. Since installing the feeders, we have regular visits from the cassian finches with their beautiful singing, redwinged blackbirds, sparrows, evening grossbeak and today we had a little goldfinch at our window feeder for a long visit. Even more exciting to me is the way the boys have taken an interest in the birds and will come tell me when they spot a new one. These are the same boys who have no real interest in observing nature, when it is planned. Installing these feeders for my own enjoyment has had an added benefit that I hadn't planned on and I am truly pleased.


coffeemamma said...

That's one of my favourite nature study tricks- do it for yourself, and the kids can't help but join in the fun!

Jenny said...

My son, Jake, loves to watch the birds...we have a lovely cardinal that comes around. I, like you , love that he is so interested in the birds!

Frankie said...

We put up our first-ever bird feeder this winter and experienced the same thing -- an excitement that was never there. We now know tons of birds and all three of us are constantly watching out the window.

Sherry said...

Sometimes you gotta sneak it in on them, lol.