Thursday, October 06, 2005

Reevaluating things

Here we are nearing the end of our fourth week of school. I am fighting a head cold and not as on top of things as I wish and my children seem to be very aware of that. I need a substitute teacher on days like these (smiles). I have had to remind them that I am the one that is sick, not them. We are already behind on the plan that I made, not that that's anything new. It is frustrating, just the same. It is this point in our school year that I start questioning all the things I have planned - is it the right plan for us? Is it someone elses idea of what is right? I don't have the answers to these questions yet. I want to challenge my children, but not frustrate them. I want them to graduate from our homeschool with a love for learning. Most of all, I want them to be spiritually minded. I am not sure our current schedule and plan will accomplish any of those things. Don't get me wrong, not everything we are doing is not working - I think most of it is - but I must continually check and recheck. I think it is a sickness that I have, always second guessing things. It is time for some serious prayer. Prayer for guidance and for peace of mind.

tootles . . .


Javamom said...

The thing that always comforts me at this time in the schoolyear is knowing that I know that God is STILL on the thrown. He loves these kiddos more than we, the parents, do, and He knows what He is doing. The trick for me, then, is to REST on that truth, listen for Him, and take comfort in that. I still need that reminder from time to time. My prayers are going up for you!

In Him,

Javamom said...

Now I'm red-faced! thrown/throne...(sic) LOL

tootlepip said...

Javamom and Firefly, thank you for your encouraging words!
