Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What's UP?

We have been busy trying to get back into some sort of routine since arriving home from Texas. School got going pretty well and then after a week and half we took another small break to go visit family, I'll post pictures later. Well, now we are back at it and trying to stay focused. It is a bit difficult because Spring finally arrived and I sure would rather play. I plan to keep us schooling until about the end of June, we will take most of July and August off with the exception of a math drill here and there and some reading. We don't get much warm weather here in the PNW and so I like to be able to take advantage of it. We have an out of state trip planned in August and since we will have used most of my husbands vacation we won't do our usual camping trips but probably some day trips to parks, zoos and museums during the Spring and summer.

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